How to Get Rid of Smelly Washing Machine Odors for Good
Do you ever wonder why your washing machine has such a bad smell? Whether it be due to old clothes forgotten in the tub, or just simply due to the buildup of dirt and grime from a lack of proper maintenance, the smell can be unbearable and embarrassing. Fortunately, it's relatively easy to get rid of smelly washing machine odors for good.
Reasons for a Smelly Washing Machine
Your washing machine can get a bad smell for a number of reasons; from residual soap scum to hard water deposits and even from mildew and mold in the rubber seals. Even if you always use laundry products properly, the seal and center part of the machine may still suffer from mold and mildew. Another common cause of bad odors in washing machines is the presence of bacteria.
How to Get Rid of Smelly Washing Machine Odors
The good news is that it's possible to get rid of a smelly washing machine with a few simple steps.
Clean the Rubber Seals
One of the most common culprits of a smelly washing machine is mold and mildew growing inside the rubber seal of your washer. To get rid of the odor, start by thoroughly cleaning the seals and hoses leading to the washer to get rid of any built-up mildew and mold. Use a mixture of one part bleach to one part water in a spray bottle and mist the rubber seals. Wipe the seals off with a damp cloth.
Clean the Interior
Once you've taken care of the rubber seals, the next step is to clean the interior of the washer. To do so, start by running an empty cycle with hot water, bleach and a good washing machine cleaner. This will help remove any built-up dirt, grime and odors. You can also add baking soda, vinegar or baking soda mixed with white vinegar to the washing machine cycle to provide an even deeper clean.
Deep Clean
One of the best ways to get rid of smelly washing machine odors for good is to deep clean the machine. To do so, fill the washer with hot water, add a few cups of white vinegar and let it sit for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, scrub the interior of the washer with a special washing machine cleaning brush and add a special deep cleaning gel to the washer and run another cycle.
Mop up Moisture
Finally, it's important to mop up any excess moisture from the interior of the washer to prevent any further build-up of mold or mildew. Use a cloth or mop to dry the interior of the washer and clean the rubber seals again using the same solution mentioned above.
Final Thoughts
If your washing machine still has a bad odor even after taking all of these steps, it may be time to call a professional appliance repair service such as Local Reliable Appliance Repair. They can help diagnose and troubleshoot any problems you may be having to get your washer back in tip-top shape.
Smelly washing machines can be a source of embarrassment. Fortunately, with a little bit of effort, you can soon have a clean, fresh-smelling washer that won't leave you with any embarrassing odors. Start with these simple steps to get rid of smelly washing machine odors for good.
If you wish to read more information about Smelly washing machine, please visit this website. For professional help, make sure to call Local Reliable Appliance Repair at (866) 516-1222.

Solutions for Smelly Washing Machine Issues
1. Clean Inside:
Regularly clean the washing machine's inside chamber using a cup of white vinegar or bleach and hot water to help remove odors caused by detergent residue and mineral deposits. Make sure to run an empty cycle after cleaning to rinse the inside.
2. Change Detergents:
If the smell persists, try switching detergents. Opt for a liquid or all natural detergent, which tend to be gentler and cause less buildup or odors, or use a fabric softener sheet.
3. Clean Lint Trap:
Make sure to clean the lint trap at the bottom of the machine each time you do a load of laundry. Accumulation of lint and debris in the lint trap may cause a moldy odor.
4. Deodorize Cycle:
Run an empty cycle with hot water and ½ cup of baking soda periodically to help remove smells.
5. Clean Exterior:
Clean the outside of the machine with a cloth dampened with mild dish soap and water.
6. Check Hoses:
Inspect the hoses for signs of mold or mildew and replace them if needed.
7. prevent mold build up
Make sure to keep the washing machine door open when not in use to allow air to circulate and prevent mold from growing.
Repairing a Smelly Washing Machine in San Diego
Whether you want to fix it yourself or hire a professional, understanding the average repair costs of a smelly washing machine in San Diego will go a long way to helping you decide.
At minimum, the repair cost for a smelly washing machine in San Diego usually includes the replacement of parts and labor. More complex repair costs may include the purchase of additional materials by the contractor to ensure a proper fix.
Below is a list of the most commonly replaced parts for a smelly washing machine:
- Washing Machine Tub: Costs between $200 – $400 to replace.
- Drain Hose: Costs between $7 – $18 to replace.
- Motor: Costs between $120 – $400 to replace.
- Electronic Control Board: Costs between $150 – $300 to replace.
- Pump: Costs between $80 – $180 to replace.
- Belts: Costs between $8 – $30 to replace.
The cost of labor in San Diego may vary depending on the complexity of the repair and the contractor hired. Depending on how complicated the fix is, you may also be expected to cover the cost of materials, such as solvents and lubricants, used by the contractor to make the repair.
For a reputable and reliable appliance repair service in San Diego, we recommend Local Reliable Appliance Repair.
Tips to Help You Avoid a Smelly Washing Machine
Having a smelly washing machine is an unpleasant experience, especially when it happens on a regular basis. Taking care of the problem as soon as possible can help to not only get rid of the smell but also prevent it from happening again. Luckily, there are some simple tips that you can use to help keep your washing machine smelling fresh.
Invest in a Washing Machine Cleaner
Using a washing machine cleaner is a great way to help keep the machine clean and fresh. These cleaners are designed to get rid of bacteria and fungi that can cause the unpleasant smells. Simply follow the directions on the product and it can help to keep your machine smelling fresh and clean.
Clean Gaskets and Seals Regularly
Gaskets and seals are also prone to collecting dirt and debris, which can cause unpleasant odors. To help avoid this, make sure to clean them regularly using warm water and a soft brush. This will help to get rid of any dirt and grime that has accumulated and will keep your machine smelling fresh.
Use Detergents Properly
Using too much detergent, fabric softener, or bleach can lead to smelly washing machines. To help prevent this problem, use the recommended amount of detergent and don't add too much fabric softener or bleach. This can help to keep your machine smelling fresh.
Clean the Drum
The washing machine drum can also be a source of bad odors. To help avoid this problem, it's important to clean the machine drum regularly and make sure that any debris or lint is removed. You can do this by running an empty cycle and wiping down the drum every few months.
Reach Out to a Professional
If you're still experiencing a smelly washing machine, then it may be time to reach out to a local professional. With their experience and knowledge, they can help to diagnose and repair the issue so you don't have to worry about it any longer. At Reliable Appliance Repair, they offer same-day services and are licensed and insured. As a first-time customer, they offer a $25 discount on labor, so contact them today at (866) 516-1222 to get the help that you need.
In summary, avoiding a smelly washing machine is possible if you follow some basic tips. Investing in a washing machine cleaner, cleaning the gaskets and seals, and using the proper amount of detergent are all ways to help keep the machine smelling fresh. If the problem persists, then it's best to reach out to a professional. Reliable Appliance Repair is a family-owned local company in San Diego that offers same-day services for appliance and HVAC repairs and installations. As a first-time customer, you can get a $25 discount on labor, so contact them today at (866) 516-1222 to get the help that you need.
FAQ: How to Get Rid of Smelly Washing Machine Odors for Good
How can I get rid of stinky washer odors?
Cleaning your washing machine regularly and running a hot cycle with vinegar is a good way to battle lingering odors. You can also leave the lid open after washing to promote air circulation and also use a deodorizer specifically designed for washers.
Is there a natural way to deodorize my washing machine?
Yes, you can use white vinegar and baking soda to deodorize your washer naturally. Add 1 cup of white vinegar to your washer's detergent tray or pour it directly into the drum. Start the hottest possible cycle, then add 1/2 cup of baking soda once the cycle has started. This will help neutralize the smells and keep your machine clean.
How often should I clean my washing machine?
It is recommended to clean your washing machine at least once every couple of months. To help keep odors at bay, you can also leave the lid open after use and occasionally run an extra cycle with bleach or white vinegar.
Can I use bleach to get rid of washing machine odors?
Yes, but you should use caution when mixing bleach and other cleaning supplies because it can be corrosive. You can add 1/2 cup of bleach to a hot cycle, but always make sure read the instructions on your washing machine as some models may require a specific dilution ratio.
What can I do if odor lingers even after running cleaning cycles?
If odors still remain, you should consider calling a local reliable appliance repair technician. They can assess the issue and provide the best possible solution.
If you're having difficulty getting rid of smelly washing machine odors, it's best to call a Local Reliable Appliance Repair technician at (866) 516-1222.