# AC Thermostat Set But Not Cooling? Here’s Why
A malfunctioning AC thermostat can be extremely confusing for homeowners. If the thermostat is set but the air conditioning unit is not cooling, it’s important to diagnose the issue quickly. Unfortunately, AC units can be incredibly complex and require a variety of parts to run. If any part is not working properly, issues can arise. Therefore, finding the specific problem that’s affecting the AC can be difficult—even for a professional.
Before taking any further steps, it’s important to remember that AC thermostats do not require very much energy to run. Therefore, if the thermostat is displaying correctly and it is set correctly, understanding why the AC unit is still not cooling can be difficult. Fortunately, with the right guidance, it’s possible to get to the bottom of the issue. Here’s a list of some potential causes of this issue.
## Battery Issues
The most common cause of an AC unit not cooling when the thermostat is set correctly is a depleted battery. This is because the electricity from the battery provides the power required for the AC’s control board. With that said, AC control boards can require the energy of a rarely used battery, so even if the power is working there could still be an issue. In order to diagnose if the battery is causing the issue, it can be useful to check it with a multimeter.
## Blocked Air Filters
Another common issue can be blocked air filters. This is because the air filters are responsible for controlling the air flow to the AC unit. If air filters become blocked with dust and debris, the AC unit can struggle to keep up with the loads of cold air that are being required. In order to diagnose this issue, it can be helpful to check the air filters by opening the AC’s covers. From here, visually inspect the filters and see if they need to be changed or cleaned.
## Outdated Thermostat
In addition to battery issues and blocked air filters, homeowners should always consider their thermostat before taking any other action. This is because it can be difficult for an older thermostat to accurately detect the temperature inside a property. Usually, thermostats that are over 10 years old can be outdated and may not be able to properly detect changes in temperature. To test if this is causing the issue, try using a new thermostat, as this will help to confirm whether the issue is located with the thermostat or not.
## Corroded Wiring
The next most common issue is corroded wiring. This usually manifests when AC units are frequently used and neglected. Corroded wiring can lead to a variety of issues, such as the AC not being able to transfer and control energy correctly. In order to diagnose this issue, it can beneficial to check the wiring with a multimeter and use a voltmeter to measure the voltage of the AC.
## Malfunctioning Condenser
Finally, homeowners must consider their AC condenser when diagnosing issues surrounding their AC not cooling when the thermostat is set correctly. Condensers are responsible for pumping hot and cold air and are essential for cooling a property. To test if the condenser is malfunctioning, use a multimeter to test the continuity of the condenser’s compressor.
The bottom line is that AC systems can be incredibly complex and difficult to diagnose. If your AC unit is not cooling when the thermostat is set correctly, it’s important to take all of the steps outlined above before calling for professional help. Fortunately, a dedicated home appliance repair service can provide expertise and insight when troubleshooting this issue. Homeowners should always call a dedicated, local appliance repair service when dealing with any issue that’s too complex to diagnose themselves.
If you wish to read more information about AC thermostat set but not cooling click here. For professional help and AC repair services, contact Local Reliable Appliance Repair at (866) 516-1222.

Tips for Dealing With an AC Thermostat Set But Not Cooling Issue
If you have an AC thermostat that has been properly set but isn’t cooling as expected, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot the problem. To ensure safety and optimal results, it is important to take corrective measures suggested by reliable appliance repair professionals such as those at Local Reliable Appliance Repair. Below are some tips to consider if you encounter AC thermostat set but not cooling issues:
Step 1: Make Sure the Unit Is Turned On
The first step is to make sure the unit is turned on and set to the appropriate settings. Check the settings on the thermostat and ensure that the system is set to “cool” mode and not “heat.” Additionally, double-check the settings to make sure the desired temperature is being met.
Step 2: Clear Obstructions or Replace the Air Filters
If necessary, remove any obstructions blocking the air filter, as this could be preventing the cooling system from functioning properly. You may need to replace the filter or vacuum any dust or buildup that has collected in the filter.
Step 3: Change the Settings on the Thermostat
If the problem persists, the next step is to try changing the settings on the thermostat. Setting the thermostat on a higher temperature can cause the system to kick start and start functioning properly again. Try setting it for three to four degrees higher than your desired temperature.
Step 4: Contact an Appliance Technician
If the thermostat is still not cooling, it is recommended to contact a professional appliance technician for help. At Local Reliable Appliance Repair, the technicians have the expertise and experience to identify and repair the issue accurately and efficiently.
If you are facing an AC thermostat set but not cooling issue, taking the appropriate steps can help reduce the likelihood of further damage and increasing repair costs. If you require assistance with an appliance repair or installation, please contact Local Reliable Appliance Repair at (866) 516-1222 for quality and reliable service.
Average Repair Cost for AC Thermostat Set but not Cooling
For most air conditioners, the average repair or installation cost for an AC thermostat set but not cooling in the city of San Diego is between $250-600 USD. The cost can vary depending on the type of AC unit, the extent of repairs needed, and the cost of necessary components.
One potential cause of an AC thermostat not cooling could be lack of power. This issue can be easily resolved by ensuring all of the power to the AC unit, such as power switches and circuit breakers, are all in the ON position. More complex issues, like a compressor not working, require more in-depth repairs. Potential components that need to be addressed in this scenario could include the capacitor, contactor, blower motor, and the compressor. Each of these components may require labor costs and cost of materials, resulting in a higher total repair cost.
To ensure the best repair outcome in the most cost-effective way, it is important to seek the help of a reputable local appliance repair company. Local Reliable Appliance Repair in San Diego provides professional services with a minimum repair or installation cost of $250 USD.
For optimal repair results, call 866-516-1222.
Solving AC Thermostat Set But Not Cooling Problems With Reliable
If you find yourself in the unfortunate yet common situation of having an AC thermostat set but not cooling, the solution is clear: contact Reliable Appliance Repair. This local San Diego-based HVAC and appliance repair family-owned company is the perfect option for fixing and restoring temperature regulation in your home.
Reliable’s team is comprised of highly trained technicians with a minimum of five years experience in the field. With this experience, they are experts in dealing with AC thermostat set but not cooling problems, and they provide fair and affordable pricing.
Reliable is licensed and insured and offers same-day services. This means you won’t be left without the comfort of a cool home, as they quickly and effectively restore AC thermostat set but not cooling issues. Best of all, the same-day service Reliable provides helps you avoid days of feeling uncomfortable in your own home.
When it comes to AC thermostat set but not cooling problems, make sure you contact Reliable Appliance Repair. Their experience, expertise, and same-day service make them a worthwhile partner to helping you get your AC temperature regulated once more.
Call them today on (866) 516-1222.
FAQ: AC Thermostat Set But Not Cooling? Here’s Why
Q1. What should I do if my AC Thermostat is set, but not cooling?
A1. Check the thermostat’s settings to ensure they’re correct. Then, make sure all vents are open. If you’ve checked both, check the air filter. If it’s old or clogged, replace or clean it. Your AC may also need fresh refrigerant, so contact a professional.
Q2. What if my AC only works sometimes?
A2. This could be due to a faulty fan motor or compressor. Check the fan belt for signs of wear, tear, or deterioration. If need be, have a technician replace it. They’ll also inspect your compressor and ducts to ensure they’re working properly.
Q3. Should I replace or repair my AC?
A3. If the AC is more than 10-years-old and needs frequent repairs, it’s probably best to replace it. Newer models are more energy-efficient. If it’s younger and requires minimal repairs, a repair may suffice.
Q4. Should I hire a professional to help fix my AC?
A4. Yes, it’s always best to enlist a knowledgeable technician who’s trained in AC repair. They’ll be able to identify the issue quickly and provide an accurate solution.
For all your AC thermostat and cooling needs, contact Local Reliable Appliance Repair at (866) 516-1222 for professional, expedient service.