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How to Fix Built In Microwave Buttons Not Working

How to Fix Built-In Microwave Buttons Not Working

How to Fix Built-In Microwave Buttons Not Working

At some point, almost everyone has experienced an appliance being uncooperative. When your built-in microwave buttons start to malfunction, it can be incredibly frustrating. Not only is it difficult to use the appliance, but it can be difficult to fix as well.

We understand that this issue can be both time consuming and costly. That’s why we’ve put together a few tips on how to fix built-in microwave buttons not working. With these tips, you can ensure that your built-in microwave is up and running again in no time.

Identify the Problem

The first step in fixing your built-in microwave buttons is to identify the exact problem. Sometimes the problem is simply a power outage, in which case the first step is to plug the unit back in, then check to see if the buttons are back in working order.

If the lack of power wasn’t the culprit, then the first step is to determine if the buttons are actually malfunctioning or if the buttons are stuck due to food debris. If the buttons are stuck due to debris, the best way to clear them is to use a can of compressed air.

Once the buttons are physically clear, press each button several times to check for any damage or loose connections. If any of the buttons seem loose, it might be necessary to unscrew them, tighten any loose connections, and re-screw the buttons back on.

Unplug & Clean

In some cases, the buttons themselves may be malfunctioning due to a clogged air vent or an accumulation of dust. If you suspect that this may be the issue, it’s best to try unplugging the unit and cleaning it thoroughly. This can be done by using a vacuum hose with a brush attachment and a soft cloth to carefully clean all buttons and vents.

Perform a Reset

If the unit still doesn’t seem to be working after cleaning, it’s time to perform a reset. There is a specific reset procedure for built-in microwaves that varies depending on the make and model, so refer to the manufacturer’s instructions to perform the correct reset procedure.

Replace the Controls

If none of the above methods seem to fix the issue, it could be that the control panel is broken and needs to be replaced. Replacing a control panel can be a difficult job, so it’s best to let a professional do this job.

Contact a Professional

If you’ve exhausted all of the above methods, then the best course of action is to contact a professional appliance repair service. They will be able to inspect and diagnose the unit to determine the exact cause of the malfunction.

Troubleshooting Your Built-In Microwave Buttons

Fixing a built-in microwave that isn’t working correctly can be a difficult and time-consuming task. With these tips, however, you can quickly diagnose and repair your built-in microwave buttons.

If you’ve tried all of the above steps and still aren’t able to get your built-in microwave working, it’s best to contact a professional appliance repair service. They will be able to accurately diagnose and repair the issue quickly and professionally, so that you can get your built-in microwave back up and running.

How to Fix Built-In Microwave Buttons Not Working
How to Fix Built-In Microwave Buttons Not Working
How to Fix Built-In Microwave Buttons Not Working

Built-in Microwave Buttons Not Working

Manufacturer and Local Technician Recommendations

PLEASE NOTE: Proper operation of a built-in microwave requires being connected to an outlet and being able to detect power. Before any further recommendations can be made, double-check that the appliance is properly connected and has power.

If your built-in microwave buttons are not working correctly, here are manufacturer and local appliance or HVAC technician recommendations to help prevent issues and maintain proper operation:

1. Clean the Buttons

The built-in microwave buttons should be cleaned with a damp cloth every 6 months. This is to eliminate dirt, dust and small food particles that could collect and build-up on the buttons' surface, thus hindering their functioning.

2. Check the Control Panel

Occasionally check the control panel of your built-in microwave. This is to ensure that any loose wiring is not causing button failure or malfunction. It’s also important to check that none of the buttons are cracked or damaged.

3. Use the Right Cleaning Products

When cleaning your built-in microwave, it is important to only use cleaning products that are specifically designed for use around microwaves. Strong cleaning agents such as bleach or ammonia should be avoided as they can corrode the buttons and cause damage to both the buttons and the appliance.

4. Replace the Buttons as Needed

If the buttons become worn or simply malfunctioning and are not responsive to the touch, you may need to replace them. It’s important to make sure the replacement buttons are compatible with your model, as using the wrong buttons could cause further damage to your appliance.

5. Have the Appliance Service Regularly

Having a local appliance or HVAC technician inspect your built-in microwave regularly can help identify any issues early, such as wiring problems or parts that need to be replaced. If a problem is identified, the technician can also advise on how to remedy the problem.

By following these recommendations and tips, you can help ensure that your built-in microwave’s buttons remain fully functioning and that the appliance operates correctly.

Average Cost of Repairing Built-in Microwave Buttons

Do you have a built-in microwave with buttons that won't work? Don't fret! Repairs don't have to be expensive. Here's some in-depth, professional advice on the average repair cost for the issue, along with the min and max costs in San Diego.

The cost of the repair will depend on the damage and the amount of work involved. Parts required, such as a control panel, could range from $20 to $160. Labor, however, can often be the bigger expense, with an average cost of $100-$170 an hour. If you need to replace the control board, you can expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $450 for the part alone.

When itemizing the parts needed, be sure to have a licensed technician properly diagnose the problem. Common parts include relays, switches, capacitors, transformers, and diode assemblies. Often, if one of these parts is damaged, the other surrounding components will also require replacement.

If you live in San Diego, consider calling a reliable local appliance repair technician. Certified professionals like [Local Reliable Appliance Repair](tel:(866) 516-1222), with over 20 years of experience, will be able to offer expert advice and details on repair costs. Materials are often included in the total price, but it's good to confirm some details before the repair is started.

The cost of repair can also vary depending on the brand or model of your appliance. Replacement parts usually cost more on each side of the repair equation, but with a skilled technician, the disruption of daily life can be minimized.

Beset practices advise to always seek out an appliance technician before you attempt any repair on your own. Be sure to confirm the service provider is a licensed professional and will use new, quality parts for the repair.

Built-in Microwave Buttons Not Working? Contact Reliable Appliance Repair Now!

Have you ever experienced switching on your built-in microwave only to find that the buttons are not working correctly? It can be an annoying and often an expensive problem to rectify. But worry not, Reliable Appliance Repair is here to help.

Reliable Appliance Repair is a family-owned local San Diego HVAC and appliance repair service. With experienced technicians that have a combined minimum of five years experience in the field, they specialize in solving issues like your built-in microwave buttons not working.

Reliable Appliance Repair offers same-day service for appliance and HVAC repair, ensuring that your problem is solved in no time. As a licensed, insured and competitively priced business, you will be in safe hands with Reliable, who can provide you with the peace of mind that you need, knowing that your issue will be fixed on the same day. If you are a first-time customer, you can even take advantage of the new customer offers with $25 off labor!

So if you're in need of a reliable appliance and HVAC repair or installation, look no further than the experts at Reliable Appliance Repair. Contact them today at (866) 516-1222 to take advantage of the same-day service or to ask any questions you might have.

FAQ: How to Fix Built-In Microwave Buttons Not Working

Q: What could be the likely cause of my built-in microwave buttons not working?

A: Common causes are worn out buttons, broken keypad connection, faulty electronic control board, and defective switch.

Q: What can I do if my microwave buttons will only work intermittently?

A: The cause may be a defective switch or a damaged keypad. Check connections, Keypad and switch before calling a repairman.

Q: What should I include in my troubleshooting efforts?

A: Inspect the buttons and keypad for signs of wear. Check connections, electronic control board and switch.

Q: Will a blocked ventilation grille prevent my built-in microwave from working?

A: Yes. The grille must be clear of any obstructions to ensure its proper functioning. If a blockage is present, remove it to maintain its performance.

Q: Do I need to call for professional advice if my built-in microwave buttons aren’t working?

A: Yes. It's best to consult with a local and reliable appliance repair service for an accurate assessment of your built-in microwave.

Call Local Reliable Appliance Repair at tel:(866) 516-1222 for assistance.